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I hated studying history at school. I couldn’t wait to get to year nine, so I could drop it when I selected my GCSE options. More recently, however, I have grown to understand just how important history is.

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History contextualises the present. When I write of history in this article, I write not of a romanticised nostalgia of the Tudors and the Victorians, which added minimal, if any, value to my life.

Instead, I write of the gross injustices that still have residual effects on individual lives even today, of which slavery, colonialism, and racism are prime examples.

Although slavery, colonialism, and racism are phenomena often viewed as outdated and no longer relevant to speak of, the unfortunate reality is the complete opposite.

I truly have trouble believing that anyone is analytically inept enough to genuinely fail to see how these histories still affect diasporas in the present day.

Everywhere. Unfailingly.

As such, a part of me believes that people simply refuse to acknowledge and accept this reality.

But just in case, please allow me to illustrate, even though the residual effects of slavery, colonialism, and racism are too numerous, varied, and context-specific to compress into a given amount of words.

Obviously, the effects will be different for an adult living in sub-Saharan Africa, a Black teenager living in the USA, and an Asian child living in the U.K.

As such, they need to be dealt with very tenuously, but for the purpose of this article, please read on for a more general exploration.

Economic Structures

“Great” Britain and the United States today became the economic giants that they are through the theft of African resources and the forced labour of African people.

Consequently, many parts of Africa suffered and continue to suffer great economic injury through the depletion of our rich resources and the abuse of our lands.

Nearly 70 percent of the poorest countries in the world are in Africa, 64 percent of children in sub-Saharan Africa do not have adequate sanitation, 57 percent of African children are enrolled in primary education, and one in three of those do not complete school.


The facts go on.

People often depict African leadership as naturally predisposed to corruption and as always incapable of managing themselves.

Yet pre-colonial history shows that the empires of Africa, though not always without conflict, were highly efficient and had great riches.

It was through the divide-and-rule strategy of the colonialists — magnifying “differences” between tribes and pitting them against each other — that many of our great kingdoms were broken down.

When the colonialists retreated from our lands, we were left in disarray, often with no stable leadership in place, and this has had disastrous and long-lasting repercussions and led to all sorts of conflicts.

In contemporary society, the exploitative regimes that existed in colonialism persist. As recently as 2006, Dutch-based oil company Trafigura Beheer BV deposited more than 500 tonnes of toxic waste in the poor suburbs of the Ivory Coast in order to evade the large costs associated with legitimate and safer disposal in the Netherlands. More than 30,000 Ivorians were injured.

Black/African lives are still perceived as dispensable within this capitalist system and as secondary to monetary gain.

Francophone countries, such as Senegal, Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast, and Cameroon are still mandated to pay “colonial debts” to France even today.

This so-called “debt” is based on the claim that these Francophone countries should pay for the infrastructures built by France that they now benefit from – like they were ever invited to “build” in the first place.

France automatically confiscates national reserves of many of its ex-colonies. Jacques Chirac, former French president, said, “Without Africa, France will slide down in to the rank of a third [world] power” (March 2008).

Domestically, the case is similar. Unemployment is rife among Black men, and they are the most-underemployed group in the United States and the U.K.

Too often cultural factors are cited to explain this discrepancy in employment opportunity, however, rarely are the structural factors inhibiting Black men from securing stable and meaningful employment acknowledged and explored.

The racist colonialist discourses that caricature Black and ethnic minority men as lazy and unintelligent enough to work still hold sway over the public imagination.

Ethnic minorities are more likely to live in poor areas, be poor, be unemployed, suffer ill health, and live in overcrowded or unpopular housing than the White indigenous population (Social Exclusion Unit, 2000).


Black and ethnic minority men are disproportionately imprisoned and otherwise represented in the criminal justice system.

And the figures are bleak.

Statistics from the Equality and Human Rights Commission show that Black prisoners make up 15 percent of the U.K.-prisoner population, compared with just 2.2 percent of U.K. residents (EHRC, 2011).

This pattern is also observable in America, where Black and Hispanic prisoners accounted for a startling 58 percent of the prisoner population in 2008 compared with about 25 percent of the general population (NAACP, 2010).

In the U.K., Section 60 stop-and-search procedures are more common in working-class areas with greater ethnic diversity.

While most people simplistically respond, “These men should stop committing crime then,” they ignore the fact that the definitions of “crime” and “criminal” are not stable and self-evident, but instead, are continually evolving over space and time.

People point toward the “broken Black family” as an explanation of why young Black men are more inclined to “crime,” forgetting that the Black family was systematically disassembled by the sexual exploitation of Black women, the infantilisation of Black men, and the deliberate separation of Black family units.

Furthermore, places, such as Britain and the United States — who are both historically and presently guilty of heinous crimes and human rights violations — developed laws and created “crimes” that privileged Whites and condemned ethnic minorities.

W.E.B. Du Bois’ assertion that it was “… color that settled a man’s conviction on almost any charge” highlights the fact that perceptions of suspicion are informed by racist discourses.

Slavery was once institutionalised, as was segregation. By institutionalised, I mean it was central to how society operated; it was written in to law; it informed social organisation in arenas from education to enterprise.

The abolition of slavery was not unanimously agreed upon; there were people who wanted to keep White supremacy in place.

When slavery was abolished, southern states used the criminal justice system to legally restrict the possibility of freedom for newly released slaves.

Unemployed Black people (who were many, considering the circumstances) were called “vagrants” and were incarcerated, having to undertake forced labour.

This was instituted in order to regulate the behaviour of free Blacks. For example, trivial offences of Blacks, resulted in harsh sentences and fines.

Today, Black communities remain “under-protected and over-policed,” with Black victimhood being largely overlooked and the definition of “crime” and “criminal” being conflated with Blackness: Black offenses are disproportionately focused on above all other demographics.


A wide array of identity crises have arisen from a long history of slavery, colonialism, and racism.

For example, there are Africans I’ve met who welcome the return of colonial presences in Africa, as they believe we are incapable of governing ourselves. They proclaim to love the West and hate Africa, because “nothing good can come of Africa.”

This is tragic to observe.

There are also Black people who deliberately disassociate themselves from other Blacks in attempts to increase their symbolic proximity to Whiteness as much as possible, because Whiteness is still often seen as superior.

This can be observed when Blacks and ethnic minorities bleach their skin in order to get closer to the European ideal of beauty.

The problematic perception and treatment of racialised ethnic minority demographics at both an institutional and individual level has long-lasting detrimental effects on the development of the “self” and on “race” and class-consciousness.

Colonialism and its residual impacts does damage to both the identities of groups and individual subjectivities (Fanon, 1967).


This is but a brief introduction to the many residual effects of slavery, colonialism, and racism and doesn’t even scratch the surface of these deep-rooted problems.

“They don’t talk about why things are the way they are. They hide the bloody past of the British Empire as much as they can. It’s ‘Great Britain,’ but they take out the ‘empire’ bit, so we don’t know how Britain became so great.

“We learn about the Victorians and we learn about the industrial revolution, but we don’t learn what was funding the revolution in the first place.

“We didn’t learn that while there was this booming revolution in England, there are people from Britain in India in Nigeria murdering and colonising the people.” – Abraham Popoola

I am not advocating here a fixation on the past while neglecting the present and the future. Rather, I am asserting that acknowledging the way slavery, colonialism, and racism remain injurious today is a prerequisite to mapping out routes to progression.

The key to properly solving a problem is identifying its root. This is the starting point of any fruitful dialogue.

Finally, when referring to colonialism and racism, I do not speak of things of the past. Colonialism and racism have been succeeded by neo-colonialism and new forms of racism.

We must subsequently use this knowledge that we have been and continue to be systematically disadvantaged to effectively put our own strategies in place for our own progression.

SEE ALSO: Aliko Dangote’s Contribution to Africa: $5 Billion for Infrastructure & Power, $1 Billion for Oil & Agriculture

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.

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With over 91 million people now using location-based mobile dating apps to meet someone special, new apps seem to pop up every day. The choices are overwhelming, and who’s got time to test drive them all?

Don’t waste your time with apps that aren’t worth the download. Instead, start swiping your way to success with these 7 best dating apps.

Start with the one you're most curious about, or check them all out!

Exclusive Bonus:Download our 5 favorite conversation starters to get immediate response from attractive women.

#1. Tinder

Available in 190 countries, it's the most popular dating app in the US. If you live in a large city, the potential dating pool is huge – the app claims to produce 26 million matches every day.

Because Tinder is location based and 76% of users live in urban areas, your odds of finding a match significantly decrease in smaller, rural cities.

You can download Tinder for free, or opt for the “Tinder Plus“, “Tinder Gold” or “Tinder Platinum” subscriptions, all available as in-app purchases. Upgrading Tinder costs anywhere from $9.99 to $39.99 a month, depending on which membership you purchase.

If you’re a free user, you’re restricted to a daily budget of swipes. Once you’ve seen around 100 profiles, you have to wait about 12 hours before you can swipe some more. But upgrading allows you to swipe as much as you’d like.

If you tend to swipe left accidentally a lot, the monthly fee allows you to undo it. And if you travel frequently upgrading makes sense because it allows you to change your geographic location on Tinder. So with a little pre-planning, you can have attractive singles waiting to meet you at your destination before you’ve even stepped off the plane.

You’ll find singles of all ages using the app, although it’s most popular with the 16 to 34-year-old crowd. You can link social media like your Spotify and Instagram account, which is a great way to add depth to your Tinder profile.

Tinder’s been long considered a “hook-up” app, but you can also find people seeking long-term relationships there as well. Just like you can meet your future spouse at a bar, you can meet your future spouse on Tinder.

Want a date for the weekend? Check out these 11 Tinder Hacks! And for help with everything from your Tinder pictures to your bio, you won't want to miss this Ultimate Guide to Tinder.

You can use Tinder online, or download for both iOS and Android:

#2. Bumble

The second most popular dating app in the US, Bumble is a good bet. Especially if you’re on the hotter end of the spectrum, since only women can initiate contact. It's quickly become a favorite app for single women tired of getting flooded with lame pick up lines.

And there's one other twist that sets it apart from apps like Tinder – once you’ve both swiped right, she only has 24 hours to send you a message before the match disappears. (And guys have the same amount of time to reply.)

If you upgrade to Bumble Boost, you can use the “Busybee” feature to add an additional 24 hours to the match window. “Rematch” allows you to reconnect with past matches for an extra 24 hours. Bumble Premium unlocks your “Beeline”, which consists only of singles who have already expressed interest by swiping right. It's packed with other handy features too, including privacy features.

For all the details on both options, check out this comparison!

If you do decide to upgrade, you're looking at $14.99 for 1 month of Boost, or $32.99 for 1 month of Premium.

But even if you use Bumble for free, your profile has to make potential dates want to engage in a conversation with you,

Having 6 strong photos and an interesting 300-character-or-less profile is crucial. According to one of the app’s founders, the odds of getting a message are in your favor – around 60% of matches result in a conversation.

The app’s gender demographics are supposedly about equal, with 55% of users being male. For everything Bumble, including message, profile and Move Makers examples, check out this Ultimate Guide!

#3. Hinge

When Hinge first launched, it tried to match users who share Facebook friends, so it was like Tinder without the randomness. But now you can also use Hinge without Facebook by signing up with just a mobile number.

Plus, Hinge requires users creating an account via Facebook to have a minimum of 60 friends. That cuts way down on the number of fake profiles, so you can be relatively certain the person you’re messaging actually exists.

On the downside, the user pool tends to be smaller than on an app like Tinder. But overall Hinge attracts singles seeking a serious, long-term relationship, so if that’s your goal you’ll find plenty of like-minded people.

Hinge only lets free users “like” 10 profiles daily (but upgrade to the premium version and you too swipe without limits).

Hinge profiles aren't the traditional “About Me” style. Instead of filling out a bio, you select a “prompt” to answer. Prompts are questions or statements like “If I had to get a tattoo of an emoji” or “two truths and a lie,” which you can fill out in 150 characters or less. You'll need to fill out 3 and upload all 6 photos/videos before you can interact with other users.

The most popular dating app

Profiles also reveal information about what college you went to and where you work. So you know a little more about your matches up front, which can help you decide if they are good prospects.

According to Hinge, the male/female ratio is 50-50, and 90% of users are between 23 and 36.

For plenty of expert Hinge help, check out this Ultimate Guide!

#4. happn

If you live in a major metropolitan area like New York City, Happn is worth a shot. This app took Tinder’s concept and added an interesting twist: Potential matches appear in your feed after you cross paths with them in real life.

Happn even has a handy map to pinpoint where you and your potential matches happened to enter your “dating radius.” You can expand that distance to a max of 55 miles.

It also notifies you when a potential match is currently within range, although for safety reasons you won’t know *exactly* where. But if you’re in line at Starbucks and she’s at a nearby table, you will appear in each other’s feeds. If you both accept the match, you can start messaging.

The app launched in Paris, and has been accumulating users around the world ever since. But since matches are based specifically on proximity, it's not one of your best options unless you’re in a heavily populated city with a big user base.

It's free, with the option to upgrade an unlock premium features. Starting at $24.99 for a month, you can hide your profile, turn off the geolocation feature, filter your matches and more.

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For all the details on this popular dating app, check out this Happn review!

#5. Coffee Meets Bagel

Coffee Meets Bagel is similar to Tinder and Hinge, but takes a “men want selection, and women are selective” approach. This #LadiesChoice stance makes it one of the most popular mobile apps with women – they outnumber men 60:40 on CMB. You can use Facebook to set your profile up, or login with a mobile number.

Most Like Face Dating App In Usa 2020

Men receive up to 21 matches, called “bagels,” at noon every day. Women only see bagels who have already “liked” them, and who meet their search criteria.

CMB is a great option if you don’t have time to devote to the tons of swiping and messaging required for success on an app like Tinder.

Users have 24 hours to review each match, and can only exchange messages for 7 days.

Odds are good your matches will be checking out your profile, so it needs to stand up to scrutiny. Although you only have to write three sections (“I am”, “I like”, and “I appreciate when my date”), you’ll want to put some thought into your answers.

You can further round out your profile by answering additional prompts.

Curious exactly how Coffee Meets Bagel works? Check out this detailed dating app review!

#6. OkCupid

The mobile app allows you to manage your account on your smartphone. You'll notice the mobile app version lets you swipe left and right on profiles, just like on Tinder. The dating app uses the same algorithm as the website, which shows you potential matches based on your answers to questions designed to gauge your interests, personality and values.

There are also personality test questions that will help you attract like-minded people, and a handy match score that lets you know how compatible you are with a particular person.

One million people install the app every week, according to the company, and about 7.3 million messages are exchanged every week.

OkCupid is one of the most popular free dating sites, and it also offers 2 upgraded membership options. It used to be called “A-List“, but has since been renamed OkCupid Basic & OkCupid Premium. Upgrading starts around $9.95/month, or less when you commit to multiple months at a time.

Premium features include seeing who likes you, advanced search filters, and being shown to users with a higher attractiveness rating.

For the best chance of meeting someone special on this popular dating site, check out these OkCupid profile examples tips!

Top Dating Apps In Usa

#7. PlentyOfFish

Plenty Of Fishalso developed a great app for its dating site users. The company claims 80 percent of POF usage now takes place on mobile devices.

POF is one of the largest free online dating sites out there, and using the free app gives you access to a huge dating pool.

But that's the proverbial blessing and curse, as you'll likely find the quality of matches varies widely. Literally anyone can create a profile, provided they've got the patience to answer all the mandatory registration questions. As with any free dating app, you're far more likely to run across escorts, fakes, scammers and that sort of thing than you would on a paid one like Match mobile.

You'll find a robust selection of search filters, though, and you can screen for everything from height, age and body type to income, education and kids – all for free.

The app uses the same matching algorithm as the online site, so you can also check out your suggested matches. If you want to get even more compatible suggestions, take the Chemistry Test – it will give the app an idea of your personality, character traits, interests etc…

There’s no limit to the number of matches or messages you can send and receive, even as a free member. And if you want the hottest singles in your city sending messages your way, check out these POF profile tips!

There you have it – the 7 best dating apps. Online dating just got even more convenient. But if you’re not sure how to bring your A-game, or don’t have time to keep up with all that swiping, let us help.


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